Monday, August 31, 2009

Forrest NM3510011145 No Melt 350mm 100 Tooth 30mm Arbor 9/64-Inch Kerf Plastic Cutting Circular Saw Blade

Forrest's blades offer a superior cut that leaves a rip-cut saw edge that is as smooth as if it had been sanded, and a cross-cut edge that is almost mark-free. The blades run very quietly, and backside tearout in plywood is negligible. Each blade is virtually hand-made. The plate is hand-tensioned (up to 15 minutes per blade), superior C-4 carbide teeth are hand-brazed to the plate, and the blade is straightened and restraightened multiple times throughout the process. Think of a Forrest blade as a tool in your shop, not an accessory. Forrest stands behind it's blades by offering a sharpening service that bring blades back to the exact tolerances offered in a new blade. And this same exacting service is available for other manufacturer's blades as well, so they should come back better than new. Recommended for: thin, low pressure, two-sided laminates, plywood & fine cross cutting on all woods. Eliminates need for a small scoring saw blade on table saw work. The 40° points slice through thin bottom layers with no tears or chips. Reduced yearly sharpening costs - less machine downtime.

saw blade Wikipedia

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